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Correction: “Autonomous weapons” as a geopolitical signifier in a national power play: analysing AI imaginaries in Chinese and US military policies

The Original Article was published on 02 September 2022

Correction: Eur J Futures Res 10, 20 (2022)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported some major and minor editing and formatting errors.

1. Jascha Bareis ' email address has been corrected to "".

2. The level of sections and subsection headings has been corrected.

3. Table 1 caption has been corrected to "Overview of published CCW standpoint papers and governmental documents concerning LAWS of the USA and China 2011– 2022".

4. In the online version, space added after each reference number into "...authors regarding “meaningful human control” [24, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72], it simultaneousl...".

5. In-text referencing sections has been corrected such as "Technological definition: United States of America" and "Military Doctrine: China".

The original article has been updated.


  1. Bächle TC, Bareis J (2022) “Autonomous weapons” as a geopolitical signifier in a national power play: analysing AI imaginaries in Chinese and US military policies. Eur J Futures Res 10:20.

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Correspondence to Thomas Christian Bächle or Jascha Bareis.

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Bächle, T.C., Bareis, J. Correction: “Autonomous weapons” as a geopolitical signifier in a national power play: analysing AI imaginaries in Chinese and US military policies. Eur J Futures Res 10, 26 (2022).

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