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Table 2 ManuFuture activities and impact on multiple governance levels

From: Futuring European industry: assessing the ManuFuture road towards EU re-industrialization

Governance level

ManuFuture activities and their impact (a selection)

European level

contractual Public-Private Partnership on Factories of the Future (cPPP FoF) launched under the European Economic Recovery Plan

European Strategy for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) with advanced manufacturing technologies as one of six defined KETs

European Institute of Innovation and Technology with its goal to launch a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) on added-value manufacturing

Trans-regional/trans-national level of public-private partnerships

European Technology Platform ManuFuture.EU

European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) providing e.g. strategic multi-annual roadmaps for the cPPP FoF


EUREKA cluster ManuFuture Industry

Vanguard initiative pilot “Efficient & Sustainable Manufacturing”

National level, e.g. Germany

National Technology Platform ManuFuture.DE

National Funding for "Research for Tomorrow“s Production” and for “Industry 4.0” a project in the High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany

Regional level, e.g. Baden-Württemberg

Regional Technology Platform ManuFuture.BW

Allianz Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg