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Table 10 Ecological risk dyads-examples

From: Dyadic risk mechanisms–a nomenclature for 36 proto-cascading effects determining humanity’s future



Year reported


There are a number of risks associated with the combined effects of natural hazards and releases from industrial facilities, especially in densely populated areas [30, 106]. Example: release of hazardous materials after an earthquake



Direct economic risks of nature loss to a company (agricultural companies impacted by decreased pollination services or soil nutrition or pollution), or as a result of inability to source essential raw materials, lack of access to water needed for factory production, business disruption (by floods or stormwater), or indirect effects (the risk to any entity of zoonotic disease emergence driven by land-use change or wildlife trade) [40, 85]. The initial concern of this kind was climate change



(a) Exposure to environmental, social, and governance risks (ESG risks) adversely affects firm value but can be mitigated by a governance measure such as a sustainability committee [35]. (b) SDG goals have had limited political impact [15]. (c) The economic consequences of complex climate change risks cannot yet be quantified which impacts the ability of governance intervention [102]



Natural disasters are, at times, followed by social conflicts, and almost always increase social risk, deepen overall social conflict, and destroy local people’s lives, with particularly negative effects for children and older people [129] but the negative effect depends on social capital, trust in neighbors and communities in small-scale disaster, and depends on “networks” in the case of large-scale disasters [68]. (b) in special instances, natural disasters reduce social crises by “keeping people together” [31]



The extent of multi-hazard risk (the risk of a series of hazards occurring in the same region) depends on the degree of overlap in time and space, and may or may not be independent or may be interacting phenomena [32]. Example: Earthquake that weakens a levee system which collapses and leads to a flood



(a) Natural disasters can threaten health and well-being, often leading to losses in resources, such as economic and property loss, injury, and death, yet some people show greater resilience to post-disaster distress and depression than others and healthcare capacity can also mitigate adverse effects [110]. (b) The potential risks of multiple disaster exposure affecting mental health, physical health, and well-being, may exceed those of single disaster exposure [71]. Cumulative environmental health risks from multiple chemical exposures, particularly children’s exposure to neurodevelopmental toxicants, mean the analysis cannot be contained in a single risk assessment [93]