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Table 1 Features of agency according to Bandura [6]

From: Futures participation as anticipatory practice — what do futures workshops do?

Features of agency


Temporal features


Proactively committing to bring about intentions, i.e., representations of future courses of actions


Transforming conceived future events into current motivators and regulators of behavior. Thinking ahead, setting goals, and foreseeing the consequences to motivate and guide the courses of actions

Self-regulatory features


Monitoring one’s own behavior and the conditions under which it occurs. Comparing personal values and standards to own actions, giving direction to the pursuits, and sustaining the efforts to achieve goals. Also includes judgements on right and wrong behavior (moral agency) being evaluated against personal standards and situational circumstances


Evaluating own motivations, values, and the meanings behind the life pursuits. Self-reflecting upon one’s predictive and operative thinking and comparing it to the outcomes of own actions. Contains the sense of self-efficacy: the belief in own capacities to have an impact on one’s life