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Table 1 Diverse ways of using the Delphi method

From: Farmers’ futures: an application of the Delphi method in the context of Finnish agriculture


Weight on

1. Quantitative large panel survey vs. qualitative participatory process

Quantitative, survey-based Delphi [13]

Qualitative participatory Delphi process [14]

2. Laypeople vs. expert opinion

Laypeople [15, 16]

Experts [9, 17]

3. Consensus vs. dissensus

Building consensus (von [18, 19]

Dissensus as a source of alternative scenarios [11, 20]

4. Anonymity vs. known participants

Anonymity [7]

Known expertise and experts [21, 22]

5. Roundless vs. several rounds

Roundless, almost real-time Delphi method [23, 24]

Several rounds of the Delphi process [11]

6. Forecasting vs. foresight (alternative scenario construction)

Forecast (Experimental forecasting Delphi) [25]

Foresight (scenario construction of energy futures on farms) [26]

7. The accuracy in forecasting vs. surprising and extreme future views

Forecasting accuracy [27]

Surprising and extreme futures [28]