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Table 1 A review of exemplars of corporate foresight case studies (source: authors)

From: Using corporate foresight to enhance strategic management practices




Key contribution

Calof et al. (2020) [6]

Multimethod (expert panel, SWOT, wild cards, etc.)

Russian service company

A detailed practical know-how of CF implementation and its contribution to organizational innovation

Klos & Spieth (2021) [37]

Multimethod (foresight workshops, interviews, group discussions, etc.)

German construction sector

How personal technological frames of managers alter during CF activities. Despite initial impact of foresight on managerial sense-making mechanisms, managers revert back to pre-foresight frames

Tavana et al. (2021) [63]

Multimethod (technology development framework, scenario, DEMATEL a, etc.)

Communication industry

Development and implementation of a unique structured foresight and scenario-planning procedure

Idoko & MacKay (2021) [33]

Longitudinal study of applying horizon scanning

UK financial institution

Description of the performative dimension of CF: CF tools do not only describe a future state but also create it

Haarhaus & Liening (2020)b [23]

Mixed method (interviews, surveys, and quantitative empirical investigation)

Various industries

Demonstration of positive association between strategic foresight and firm’s dynamic capabilities, namely, strategic flexibility and decision rationality

Milshina & Vishnevskiy (2018) [42]

Multimethod (road mapping, scenario, PEST analysis, etc.)

Russian SMEsc in the medical cluster

A pragmatic know-how of implementing roadmap-centered CF for a cluster of SMEs leading to priority-setting and alternative investigation

Peter (2019) [46]

Multimethod (scenario workshops, environmental scanning, weak signal analysis, etc.)

Swiss bank PostFinance

A report about application of different versions of CF in a company since 2006 and its resultant foresight policies: (1) development of a foresight framework, (2) establishment of a network of trend scouts, (3) confirmation of foresight continuum to ensure flexibility

Torres & Pena Jr (2021) [65]

Interviews and document analysis

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

A description of the impact of CF on mitigation of bounded rationality in decision-making processes

Heger & Boman (2015) [26]

Semi-structured interviews and online surveys

EITd ICT labs (100 partners)

Exploration of how networked foresight is predominately used for “sensing activities” and somewhat for “activity initiation” (p. 1)

Battistella (2014) [3]

Multimethod (multiple case studies, interviews, secondary data analysis, etc.)

Telecommunication industry (8 companies)

Characterization of CF systems: designation of a particular foresight system structurally or culturally, improvement of organizational foresightfulness, development of control systems for dissemination of foresightfulness

Marinova et al. (2013) [39]

Multimethod (archival record analysis, direct observation, interviews, etc.)

A European bank

A trichotomous approach to analysis of CF at managerial, organizational, and environmental level of analysis

Heiko & Stillings (2013) [27]

Multimethod (scenario, Delphi, participatory workshops)

A German producer of high-performance materials

Conceptualization and execution of an “innovation-focused scenario process,” extraction of market scenarios, development of prototypes and business models

Sarpong & Hartman (2018) [56]

Semi-structured interviews

European sportswear retail industry

How top-down mechanisms of management can lead to dissipation of organizational “foresightfulness” among middle managers

Castillo-Camarena & López-Ortega (2021) [8]

Multimethod (bibliometrics, expert panels, Delphi)

A case study in TRDCse

Juxtaposition of current situation of the enterprise with created future intelligence to set priorities

Öner & Beşer (2011) [45]

Assessment survey

Turkish multinational company

How CP projects might be assessed to detect their pitfalls and challenges and improve future CF executions

Rohrbeck (2010) [49]

Multimethod (multiple case studies, interviews, internal-document analysis

Several European industries

Development of a maturity model to assess future preparedness of organizations

Gershman et al. (2016) [20]

Multimethod (survey, interviews, internal-document analysis)

Russian state-owned enterprises

Development of a technology roadmap suitable for SOEs

Fathi et al. (2021) [15]

Spaniol & Rowland (2022) [61]

Hansen et al. (2021) [25]

Multimethod (MICMAC, soft operational research, Delphi)

Multimethod (scenario, road map)

Open innovation and open foresight

Iran’s textile industry

Roll-on/roll-off shipping ecosystem in the Baltic Sea

Forest sector multinationals

Development of exploratory scenarios and its impact on an industry in a developing country with and without sanctions

Investigates the function of corporate foresight at the level of ecosystem to orchestrate the ecosystems and design a set of shared future options

Designs a pathway for traditional forest sector companies to investigate opportunities to hasten their sociotechnical transition

  1. aDecision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory
  2. bThis is not a case study per se. It introduces strategic foresight as antecedent of firms’ dynamic capabilities. It has been included in the table due to its unique contribution to role of strategic foresight in organizations
  3. cSmall- and medium-sized enterprises
  4. dEuropean Institute of Innovation and Technology
  5. eTechnological Research and Development Centers