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Table 1 Statements and three cluster centres related to determinants, drivers, and changes of a resilient food system

From: The determinants of a resilient food system for Finland in the 2020s—three opinion polls for improvements based on a Delphi study among food system experts

Bold font = divergent view of the question

Cursive font = parallel view of the question but includes some difference

Normal font = consensus view of the question

Cluster centre 1:

Lacking efficient and consensual global crisis preparedness (mean value [SD])a

Cluster centre 2:

Looking after domestic food production (mean value [SD])a

Cluster centre 3:

Trusting the current good resilience-building efforts (mean value [SD])a

Statement 1: Poor economic viability of primary production hinders the implementation of preparatory measures for resilience

0.9 [1.1]

1.0 [0.5]

 − 0.6 [1.1]

Statement 2: Poor economic viability of the food industry hinders the implementation of preparatory measures for resilience

 − 0.3 [0.9]

 − 0.2 [0.8]

 − 0.2 [1.3]

Statement 3: Poor economic viability of trade hinders the implementation of preparatory measures for resilience

 − 1.5 [0.7]

 − 1.1 [0.9]

 − 1 [1.2]

Statement 4: The costs of promoting resilience are evenly distributed in the food system

 − 1.4 [1.1]

 − 0.4 [1.5]

1 [0.7]

Statement 5: Independence from imported inputs is currently sufficient from a resilience perspective

 − 1.7[0.5]

 − 1.3[0.8]

 − 0.4[1.3]

Statement 6: Dependence on import of inputs does not jeopardise food security in crisis situations

 − 1.7 [0.9]

 − 1.2 [0.7]

0 [1.4]

Statement 7: Increasing the protein crop production area from the current level would improve resilience

1.5 [0.5]

1.5 [0.5]

1.4 [0.5]

Statement 8: The production capacity for livestock production within agriculture can be increased on demand

 − 0.2 [0.8]

0.1 [1.0]

0.4 [0.9]

Statement 9: Increasing domestic renewable energy (RE) production from current levels would improve resilience

1.7 [0.5]

1.5 [0.9]

1.2 [0.4]

Statement 10: Backup power systems should be increased in electricity production in different parts of the food system

1.0 [0.9]

1.3 [0.6]

1 [1.0]

Statement 11: In the food system, dependence on foreign labour is currently too high




Statement 12: Employees’ mental well-being is currently adequate in terms of resilience

 − 1.4 [0.8]

 − 0.4 [0.8]

0.8 [0.4]

Statement 13: Increasing biodiversity from the current level would improve resilience




Statement 14: In the food system, the enterprise structure (variation in size, production branch, specialisation, and diversified) is sufficiently decentralised and diverse in terms of resilience

 − 1.3 [0.7]

 − 0.7 [0.8]

0.8 [0.8]

Statement 15: Crop selection and crop rotations should be diversified to promote primary production resilience




Statement 16: In the food system, system-level understanding and management are currently adequate, enabling a rapid response, decision-making, and process changes if necessary

 − 1.7 [0.5]

 − 0.6 [0.8]

0 [1.0]

Statement 17: In my view, current reserve stocks ensure the adequacy of inputs and products in crisis situations

 − 1.3[0.7]

 − 0.5 [1.1]

0.4 [1.3]

Statement 18: Awareness and control are currently level to prevent disturbances (e.g. animal diseases, pests)

 − 0.2 [1.0]

0.4 [0.9]

0.8 [1.1]

Statement 19: Cooperation between food system operators is currently sufficiently open and trust building in terms of resilience

 − 1.8 [0.4]

0.0 [1.1]

1.2 [0.4]

Statement 20: The food system actor network is currently sufficiently extensive and versatile in terms of resilience

 − 0.6 [1.2]

0.1 [0.8]

1.8 [0.4]

Statement 21: Society and food system actors are prepared with adequate backup systems for crisis situations to maintain food security

 − 1.4 [0.5]

 − 0.5 [0.9]

0.2 [1.3]

Statement 22: Sufficient attention is currently paid to the protection of information systems

 − 1.3[0.5]

 − 0.7[0.9]

 − 0.4[1.3]

Statement 23: Greater involvement of citizens in food communities would improve resilience

0.7 [0.9]

0.7 [0.9]

0.2 [1.1]

Mean value of all 23 statements

 − 0.33 [0.76]

0.09 [0.85]

0.43 [0.97]

  1. aLikert scale: − 2 completely disagree, + 2 completely agree (values between 0.5. 2 interpreted as agreeing, 0.4 and − 0.4 interpreted as not agreeing or disagreeing, and − 0.5 and − 2 interpreted as disagreeing)