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Table 1 Comparison of the principal scenario development techniques

From: Possible future scenarios of the general health social security system in Colombia for the year 2033

Scenario characteristics

Intuitive logic methodology

La prospective methodology

Probabilistic modified trends (PMT) methodology


Multiple, from a one-time activity to make sense of situations and developing strategy, to an ongoing learning activity.

Usually, a one-time activity associated with developing more effective policy and strategic decisions.

A one-time activity to make extrapolative predictions and policy evaluations.


Can be either broad or narrow, ranging from global, regional, country, and industry to a specific issue.

Generally, a narrow scope but examines a broad range of factors within that scope.

Scope is narrowly focused on the probability and impact of specific events.

Methodology type

Process-oriented approach, essentially subjective and qualitative.

Outcome-oriented approach, which is directed, objective, quantitative, and analytical relying on complex computer-based analysis and modeling.

Outcome-oriented approach, very directed, objective, quantitative, and analytical using computer-based extrapolative simulation models.


Generic tools like brainstorming, STEEP analysis, and stakeholder analysis.

Proprietary and structural tools like Micmac, SMIC, and Mactor analysis, etc.

Proprietary tools like trends impact and cross-impact analysis, etc.

Developing scenarios set

Defining the scenario logic as organizing themes or principles.

Matrices of sets of possible assumptions based on the key variables for the future.

Monte Carlo simulations create an envelope of uncertainty around base forecasts.

Evaluation criteria

Coherence, comprehensiveness, internal consistency, and novelty, supported by rigorous structural analysis and logic.

Coherence, comprehensiveness, and internal consistency tested by rigorous analysis; plausible and verifiable in retrospect.

Plausible and verifiable in retrospect.

  1. Source: ([7], p. 28)