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Table 4 Anticipatory analysis of the Tempelhof Airport

From: Mysterious faces of hybridisation: an anticipatory approach for crisis literacy

How is it a Hybrid space?

• Highly adaptable, while grounded in history, versatile for emerging situations.

• A temporal hybrid where intertwined past, present and future connotations are looming.

• A hybrid of public and private (even refugee camp is a private space), and of housing and mobility.

What futures are opening or closing?

• Open futures appear as supporting human migration from desperate parts of the world, becoming new German and Europeans, with local adaptable culture.

• The closed futures for the airfield as a cultural hub derive from disruptions, the closing of cultural event path can lead to short-sighted property development taking over, a political window of change is shrinking.

What insights about the future does it present, particularly concerning crisis?

• Migration crises are not necessarily creeping crisis, but may occur suddenly. Coexistence of acute temporary human need within a space with culture can thrive.

• A posi-trend is the agile adaptation of governance and use of city space, transferring from one use to a totally different one.

• A nega-trend can be discerned in the forced unsatisfactory compromises. In times of crises, technical flexibility to function as a buffer is diminished by possible political disputes.

What anticipatory governance does it provoke?

• Local and national positive agile reaction is possible propelled by urgency of crises, expressing global responsibility.

• Grassroots movement enabled future positive platforms for resilience while maintaining heritage futures.

What image of the future of a city does it imply?

• A city of stellar solidarity: City authorities are hand in glove with grassroots movements and their cultural activities and initiatives.

• While in case of bigger emergency like refugee influx, agile solidarity has to be put in place.