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Table 2 Global value-producing networks with their most potential transformations

From: Radical Technology Inquirer: a methodology for holistic, transparent and participatory technology foresight

Global value-producing network (GVN)

GVN’s prime goal and moderating values

Dominant regime characteristics

Challenger regime characteristics

1. Passenger transport

Transporting people from one place to another comfortably, safely, cost-effectively and by offering freedom of choice

Private cars operated by a driver, public transport

Autonomous transport as a service

2. Logistics

The transfer of goods, equipment, animals, raw materials and waste from one place to another through convenient, accurate, cost-effective and common means

Transport operated by a driver, repetitive automated loading

Autonomous transport, smart loading robotics

3. Manufacturing of goods

The availability and manufacturing of physical goods and equipment with available raw materials in a functional, easy, cost-effective and high-quality way

Industrial, centralised, repetitive manufacturing

Robotised, decentralised, discrete manufacturing

4. Sustenance

Human sustenance, as well as pet sustenance, i.e. the intake of energy and the necessary nutrients and trace elements in a healthy, secure, economical and enjoyable way

Agriculture, food industry, distribution channels

Urban agriculture, discrete and local robotic food preparation

5. Energy supply

Need-based, acceptable and reliable energy for buildings, transportation, machines and processes in a cost-efficient way

Centralised and fossil energy sources, peaking power plants

Renewable, decentralised energy sources and energy storage

6. Materials

Cost-effective supply of raw materials and materials used in production of goods, chemical industry and construction with minimal negative impacts and sufficient quality

Mining-based products, energy-heavy process industry

The circular economy, renewable materials

7. Built environment

Designing, constructing, maintaining and demolishing spaces and routes with demand-controlled location and conditions for the activities and mobility of people, animals, equipment and plants and providing technical equipment for them cost-efficiently and respecting regulations

Traditional construction and maintenance

Robotised construction and maintenance

8. Exchange

Transfer of ownership and access rights reliably, locally and flexibly with the lowest possible search, agreement and delivery costs

Brands, physical retail locations, hierarchies, B2B2C

The reputation economy, e-commerce, P2P, C2B2C

9. Remote impact

Easy and safe impact on things and events in places where the impacter itself is not physically present

Telephone, television, internet, social media

VR/AR, avatars and other remote control

10. Automation of work

Acceptable and cost-effective replacement of human work with machines that are easy to use and reliable and that create high-quality results

Centralised automation and human-steered machines

Decentralised robotics based on AI and crowdsourcing

11. Work and income

Securing own well-being and the well-being of loved ones by deeds that fit one’s own skills and are personally relevant

Salaried employment related to specialisation and exchange

Cooperation, self-sufficiency, micro-entrepreneurs

12. Health care

A person living his/her life healthily while the body and mind remain functioning and staying well-being and beautiful as long as possible

Healthcare system, general health recommendations

Self-diagnostics, gamification, individual nutrition

13. Redressing disabilities

Compensating functional deficiencies and optimising the functional ability of a person in everyday life with assistive devices and by facilitating the operating environment, taking into account the social costs and benefits

Institutional, outpatient and family care, cheap-assistive devices

Compensating functional deficiencies via robotics, AI, avatars, artificial organs, crowdsourcing

14. Acquiring information

Acquiring information perceived as trustworthy and credible about people and things of personal interest

Certified research, reports, news

AI, crowdsourcing, personal instruments and applications

15. Proficiency and its proof

Demand controlled proficiency and proficiency demonstrations — emphasising the recognisability of proficiency, sensemaking and procedural and methodological skills

Educational institutions and qualifications, on-the-job learning

Flipped learning and independent learning, AI, proficiency demonstrations

16. Producing experiences

Emotional experiences, the joy of insight and shared experiences generated intentionally in different contexts

Focus on producers and consumers, mass entertainment, tourism

Games, shared VR, AR, interaction, AI

18. Safety and security

Freedom from an external threat and the opportunity to promote one’s own goals within known and predictable rules that support caution and justice

Material safety in society, social security

Decentralised, individual and crowdsourced safety and security

18. Collaboration and trust

Increasing collaboration on issues that produce synergistic benefits by supporting transparency, risk management and trust

Guaranteed by authorities, brands and hierarchies

Peer-to-peer trust through platforms and transparency

19. Existential meaning

Experiencing own existence and functions as meaningful, typically through self-realisation, serving others or joining a greater story or mission

Work, position, social network

Achievements, likes, participation, communities

20. Power structures

Productive and equal decision-making in collaboration, in public activities

Regional power structure, opaque power

Subject-matter subsidiarity, location independence