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Table 3 Finland’s AG level under the new framework

From: Anticipatory governance for newcomers: lessons learned from the UK, the Netherlands, Finland, and Korea


Finland capability and system

Foresight system

- Periodic government foresight reports by the Prime Minister’s Office

- Government Foresight Group organized by ministers

[But] The government’s role concerning results of the public discussion is rather limited.

Networked system

- National Foresight Network with workshops, events, and expert discussions

- Ministry- and regional-level coordination to facilitate a policy integration

- Open discussion for non-commercial societies and research/academic institutions

Feedback system

- Independent actors including the government, which challenge and overwatch each other

- Review by the Parliamentary Committee of the Future on a foresight report

- Private-side evaluation on foresight process and policy integration

Continuity system

- Implicit consensus on foresight implementation and a future-oriented culture

- Voluntary foresight through a venue for participation

- Repetitive practices with various types of foresight projects

- Foresight training/education from academic institutions