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Table 1 Summary of the main empirical steps in the research agenda-setting process

From: Science-society dialogue from the start: Participatory research agenda-setting by Science Cafés

Methodology applied

Number of resources or people involved

Research topics identified

Actor groups in the research agenda-setting

Desk research

Review of the relevant literature on green care services and methodologies for research agenda-setting

Amongst varied form of co-production, a template approach-the dialogue model

ESSRG researchers

Interviews with experts and practitioners

13 expert interviews

A broad range of green care fields (circa 8) and service types.

Five themes: animal-assisted therapy, herding therapy, cave therapy, art therapy and wilderness therapy

Impact evaluation is the most favoured research need

Practitioners and experts

Science Cafés as interface of experts and citizens

5 sessions with green care professionals, each inviting 4-40 participants

Lay and interested audience of the Science Cafés in dialogue with experts and practitioners

Outreach activities

Podcasts and videos to extend the impact, widening stakeholder outreach

Summary of articulated research needs

ESSRG researchers’ collaboration with universities to formulate research questions and respond to them