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Table 2 Innovation system functions (based on the work of Hekkert et al. [48]) in the different scenarios

From: Innovation policy and international relations: directions for EU diplomacy


Populism and protectionism

Innovation as global public good

Bottom-up innovation

1. Entrepreneurial discovery

- Strong focus on national industry capabilities and collaboration

- Protective/defensive against foreign attacks on IPR, markets, human resources, etc.

- Develop international value networks

- Develop strong localized ecosystems in international context

- Focus on entrepreneurship

- Learning by doing/using

- Generic ecosystem-oriented policies

- Local needs and initiatives

- Activism

2. Knowledge development

- Not a high priority

- Training/skills in existing industries

- Strengthening “open science” and international collaborative programs

- Seeking complementarities

- Broad science and technology education

3. Knowledge diffusion (networks)

- Support for diffusion in national industries

- Seeking international collaboration only in function of national strengths

- Exchange programs

- Sharing IPR etc. in collaborative ventures

- Business led diffusion in sectoral or regional ecosystems

- International diffusion in function of building markets

4. Guidance of the search (role of national priority setting)

- Nationally defined and supported missions

- International intelligence

- Focus on global challenges thinking

- Benchmark international competitiveness

- No strong guidance

5. Market formation

- Transactional approach to international access to markets

- Self-interest guides taxation, regulation and standards

- Nationally oriented public procurement

- Global public and public/private initiatives

- Work towards a global “level-playing-field” in business led innovation

- Business led and user-led

- Allow for experimentation

- Allow new models (e.g. sharing, buy local)

- Focus on international market access

6. Resources mobilization (budgets, finance)

- Likely decline

- Entirely driven by national interests and policy goals

- International collaboration and pooling of resources

- Strengthening of global governance institutions

- No strong national or international directive resources policies

- Generic human capital strategies

7. Creation of legitimacy; fighting resistance to change

- May range from anti-innovation attitude (reduced innovation policy actions) to aggressive national interest strategy

- Building support for global challenges

- Spreading innovation thinking and behaviour (including values and policies)

- Business led (policy focus on boundary conditions)

- Actions related to opening markets

- Support socialization