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Table 1 Foresight common models

From: Corporate foresight: developing a process model




Martin [20]

Pre-foresight, foresight, post-foresight

Pre-foresight (jobs which should be done before foresight); foresight and post-foresight (foresight results execution process)

Saritas [32]

Internal and external context

Internal context is a combination of structures (e.g., internal processes, trends, equipment, and technologies) and behaviors (e.g., culture, policy, social interactions, skills, motivation, capability, and management style). Also, foresight locates in external context and their surrounding systems

Miles [21]

Pre-foresight, best utilization, creating an image of future, execution, revision



Inputs, foresight, outputs

In input step, existing information yield to foresight knowledge generation. Acquired knowledge is translated and interpreted so that a future conception is made. Finally, such conception is synchronized and evaluated to create a kind of commitment for action and execution in organization

Reger [23]

Determining information needs, selecting research scope, data collection, data scanning, analyzing and interpreting, preparing the decision

Evaluation, decision-making, executing, and implementing


Voros [37]

Data collection, analysis, interpretation, output perspective making, strategy formulation

Strategic general foresight process framework

Godet [12]

Brainstorming, decision-making, operation design

A three-phase (and nine-step) process

Developed model [10]

Selecting the methodology and designing details, creating the network of stakeholders, goal setting, choosing the issue, execution and decision-making

Execution includes (1) current knowledge gathering and analysis, (2) description process on current trends and future facilities and providing proposals, and (3) commitment which means to disseminate proposals among stakeholders and finally, formulating strategies and proposals and developing strategic choices understanding among decision-makers

Popper [22]

A nine-phase mode

Major phases are similar to Miles’ albeit nine-phase components are added to foresight process; give components are on pre-foresight, one component is on utilization phase, and one component is on creation phase which impacts on other two next phases namely action and revision