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Table 1 A summary of Reaktor observations [39]

From: Trust makes this organisation unique

Company says

Teams say

Teams do

Client says


“Our team feels like a family”.

Collaborative decision-making: everyone’s opinion matters.

“Hi honeys!”

Focus on doing

“We don’t book meetings”.

Passive resistance to meetings practice, but seek to solve the issue immediately so that the project proceeds.

Natural and spontaneous co-operation

Empowering the teams in decision-making

”We don’t want any asshole bosses” ”There are no fixed roles”, ”The one who happens to be around will communicate with the client”

No corporate ladder to climb, team members are treated equally. Challenging the team to better performance with constant sparring and leading collective self-control: asking e.g. How effective do you think you were today?

Need to justify own opinions

Minimizing bureaucracy

”It’s everyone’s responsibility, you don’t have budgets at home either do you?”

People have the power to act immediately according to own judgement. They feel responsible. People are free to focus on what is most important.

At first confusing, but effective results

Quality work

”No flaws, let’s get it right from the beginning”

Constant testing is essential, other person tests, team pressure, coaching other team members

When will things be ready?

Solely high level professionals

”we just do it”, ”only competence matters, not a degree”

Learning by doing, team or extended team helps: ”If we don’t have the knowledge, we find out together how to do it”

How can we trust?

Constant questioning of given models, even own existing practices

”How could we do it even better?” ”What could go wrong?”

”How do you feel today?”

They prioritise and focus on what is necessary and timely. A lot of visualization: tags who does what now, planning together before doing.

Takes time but it is important

Social fit of employees a priority

”We want to recruit active people with hobbies and interests” ”How could I improve myself as a person or as an employee?”

They want to recruit the kind of people they would like to hang out on their freetime. They recruit new team members themselves. They invite family members to team gatherings.

Participating in team competitions & common hobbies

200 years focus

Fast fail

Teams focus on the task at hand.

Too much focus on instant tasks