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Table 3 The 9 major challenges and the related key issues for research

From: Interactions between oceans and societies in 2030: challenges and issues for research

9 major challenges

Key issues for research

1. Understanding and anticipating changes in marine ecosystems

Measurement and monitoring networks

Modeling of ecosystems

2. Securing the provision of food and therapeutic substances from the sea

Best practices in aquaculture

Synergies in the continental shelf

3. Mastering the colonization of the oceans, from shore to open sea

Controlling coastal densification

Environmental integration

4. Developing safe and sustainable technologies to exploit ocean resources (energy, minerals, molecules…)

Sustainable exploitation in deep waters

Energy resources at sea

5. Preventing natural and anthropogenic risks and hazards in the marine realm and managing crisis situations

Resilience of coastal zones

Managing risks and crisis situations

6. Developing biotechnologies for industrial, sanitary or remedial uses in the marine realm

Bioreducing the footprint of human activities

Marine bio-economics

7. Developing education, sustainable tourism and responsible social practices in relation to the sea

Education and responsible social practices

Sustainable tourism

8. Building international law on a scale commensurate with the new challenges

National sovereignty and maritime common good

Standards and regulations at sea

9. Systematizing and globalizing monitoring, surveillance, control and regulation of activity at sea

Monitoring systems at sea

Securing vital maritime flows