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Table 2 Overall degree of scenario consistency in the UBA and Lima Water case (across actors and forms of scenarios) (own assessments on a 6 point scale: 1 not given at all, 6 fully given, consistency criterion of CIB if not indicated otherwise)

From: New outlooks in traceability and consistency of integrated scenarios

Cases dimensions


Lima water

1)Internal consistency

6= fully given

5= given across all forms of scenarios except for 1 out of 4 scenarios

2)Consistency within

6= fully given

4= rather given, except for 1 out of 4 scenarios

3)Consistency between different forms of scenarios

(does not apply)

4= rather apparently given across raw, narrative, numerical (input side) and integrated scenarios

4)Consistency of underlying models

(Neither systematically & explicitly compared nor adapted)

2= rather not given