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Table 1 Overall degree of scenario traceability in the UBA and Lima Water case (across actors and forms of scenarios) (own assessments on a 6 point scale: 1 very low, 6 very high)

From: New outlooks in traceability and consistency of integrated scenarios

Cases dimensions


Lima water

1)Assumptions on future developments

5= high

5= high

2)Assumptions on inter-relations

For externals or non-experts 2= low

For internal method experts: 6= very high

For externals or non-experts 2= low

For internal method experts: 6= very high

3)Composition of indi-vidual scenarios

For externals or non-experts 3= rather low

For internal method experts: 6= very high

For externals or non-experts 3= rather low

For internal method experts: 6= very high

4)Scenario sampling

3= rather low, for experts only

1= very low, for internal experts only