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Table 7 Interview responses for advances/benefits

From: What corporations do with foresight

Axial codes


Example responses

Shape future


Chance to understand existence of several potential futures; develop a plan to turn a “big ship”; define what we can influence to shape the future; prioritize roadmap for growth; employees have a stake in the future and can contribute to it

Changeability - flexibility


Scenario planning increases adaptability and agility when things change; look for change (past things no longer valid, what’s next?); challenge internal assumptions; foresight activities provide early insight to large-impact changes (positive/negative)

Opportunity awareness


Enables firm to see opportunities and trends outside of own traditional industry; identify adjacent markets & opportunities (e.g., mobile healthcare); uncover unseen/unexpressed consumer needs

Customer perception


Positions company in customers’ mind as an innovative business partner; articulating vision to the customer provides an advantage in information technology (IT) where competitors cannot articulate where they are going; helps clients think in terms of options

Organizational alignment


Provide company with a clear points of view about the future; Crystallization: out of all the possibilities, what are the five worth working on?; the VSTEEP factors happen now in any large corporate, but are dispersed across multiple departments and never coordinate activities

Competitive threats


Foresight provides recognition of new competitors and competitive threats. Less reliant on core (declining) business; using FS to become aware of threats lowers the company’s risk profile

Long-term thinking


Helps executives and business planners think long-term; long-term (3–5 years +) foresight activities predict disruptors early, can react early

Resource allocation


Futures-thinking helps allocate resources where it matters rather than where you think it should go

Short-term results


Short-term (0–3 years) foresight activities deliver relevant products to retailers and consumers