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Table 2 Hybrid foresight study with integrated Delphi methods

From: A hybrid foresight study of the environmental reference laboratory system in Finland: a foresight study for the Government of Finland




Goals and process


A reliable picture of the factors of the SWOT analysis is obtained. The authors are ranked in order of importance in the final analysis according to the Delphi panel. The alternative strategies created based on the SWOT analysis thus created are on a reliable basis.

In the first round of the Delphi panel interview, SWOT factors are devised, which are prioritized in the second round of the Delphi panel in order of priority. The Delphi-SWOT analysis also influenced the selection of themes and dimensions of the scenarios to be worked on for the Futures Workshop.

Goals: support expert workshop implementation and link comprehensive expert discussions with the SWOT analysis.

Process: follow the logic of various Delphi variants and research questions.

Future workshop-BCG

In the 2030 situation, radical technologies affecting environmental measurement activities could be grouped into product baskets according to the BCG analysis: sunrise, star, dairy cow, and pet product baskets. Based on the joint assessment of several experts, the result is on a more reliable basis than the result of the reflection of an individual expert.

In the BCG analysis, the Futures Workshop participants selected the most important issues from the list of 100 radical technologies identified by Linturi and Kuusi [33] affecting Finland.

Goals: help experts in technology foresight discussions in the project. Identify the most important radical technologies.

Process: combine the most important radical technologies and then implement a comprehensive Boston Consulting Matrix analysis.


With the help of the Delphi method, the most important factors are selected from the RIA factors that are the most relevant to be developed in the context of the research theme for the development of environmental measurement activities.

The factors given in the second round of the Delphi panel interview based on the first Delphi round were prioritized by the panel.

Goals: combine the RIA factors with the expert assessment of Delphi panel experts. Report all critical RIA assessment results to the expert foresight workshop.

Process: combine the RIS assessment with the Delphi expert panel assessments.

Delphi-platform analysis

The aim was to find out how important the five aspects of the platform economy presented by Choudary [6] are: (1) data, (2) networks, (3) infrastructure, (4) community, and (5) marketplaces are important for environmental measurement activities.

Five factors were placed for evaluation by the three interest groups in the Delphi panel and the Delphi sub-panel, and the results of the groups were compared with each other. The groups included representatives of reference laboratories, private actors, and public administration actors.

Goals: combine the platform analysis to expert assessment of Delphi panel experts. Report all critical platform analysis results to decision-makers.

Process: combine the platform analysis with the Delphi expert panel assessments.

Delphi-Futures Workshop

The Delphi method reveals real problem areas, which will be deepened in a future workshop.

The six key themes that emerged in the Delphi panel were raised as scenarios to be worked on in the future workshop and further as visions chosen by the workshop groups.

Goals: support scenario analysis and strategic SWOT discussions with expert knowledge of the Delphi panel.

Process: combine the Delphi expert panel assessments and results with all hybrid foresight studies and results.